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Автор: Павел, опубликовано: 20.05.2004 в 15:33

Есть небольшая просьба-по теме Трепашкин и взрывы-99 сегодня опубликована статья в Чикаго трибюн,нет ли возможности получить её полный текст,можно на английском.Говорят,статья интересная.

Комментарии (3) , последний более 19 лет назад [Ответить]

Re: Вдумчивому

Автор: Павел , опубликовано: 20.05.2004 в 16:01

> Есть небольшая просьба-по теме Трепашкин и взрывы-99 сегодня опубликована статья в Чикаго трибюн,нет ли возможности получить её полный текст,можно на английском.Говорят,статья интересная.
Спасибо,уже нашёл. Там нужно было просто пройти регистрацию.

Комментарии (0) [Ответить]

Re: Возможно, это она

Автор: В.П. , опубликовано: 20.05.2004 в 16:46

>Фонд Гражданских Свобод
Чикаго Трибюн прошла по следу Трепашкина
Нью-Йорк, 18 мая – Крупнейшее американское издание Чикаго Трибюн посвятило обширную статью делу Михаила Трепашкина, приговор которому будет оглашен сегодня в Московском окружном военном суде. Собственное расследование газеты полностью подтвердило версию Трепашкина о возможной причастности ФСБ к взрывам жилых домов в 1999 г.
Шеф московского бюро Чикаго Трибюн Алекс Родригез проследил путь Трепашкина в дни перед арестом и разыскал некоего Марка Блюменфельда – бизнесмена, который сдал подвальные помешения террористам, взорвавшим жилой дом по ул. Гурьянова. Блюменфельд подтвердил рассказ Трепашкина что в первые часы после теракта сотрудники ФСБ подменили фоторобот главного подозреваемого и заставили Блуменфельда опознать террориста в человеке, которого тот никогда не видел.
Трепашкин установил, что человек, который в действительности арендовал помещение под бомбу был агентом ФСБ. Но вскорости Трепашкин был арестован и не смог представить свои данные в суд. Теперь, пишет газета, судят его самого.
Verdict near on sleuth who talked too much; Ex-KGB agent suspects a former cohort was involved in a bombing blamed on Chechens. He was jailed just before he was to present his case.
By Alex Rodriguez, Tribune foreign correspondent.
1,762 words
18 May 2004
Chicago Tribune
Chicago Final
Copyright 2004, Chicago Tribune. All Rights Reserved.
As a former intelligence agent, lawyer Mikhail Trepashkin knew the value of discretion. But as he poked around for a connection between the Russian government and a series of apartment bombings in 1999 blamed on Chechen separatists, Trepashkin did anything but tread lightly.
An attorney for a bombing victim's family, Trepashkin discussed his legwork over the phone, though he knew the lines likely were tapped. He eagerly trumpeted his findings to the news media and vowed to present them in court during the accused bombers' trial.
«He either got tired of being afraid, or he wanted to challenge the authorities,» said Igor Korolkov, a Moscow journalist who interviewed Trepashkin last fall.
Trepashkin never got his chance. In October, a week before the trial began, Russian police and plainclothes officers pulled over the lawyer's Zhiguli hatchback just outside Moscow.
Police charged him with possessing a handgun in his car, although Trepashkin says he saw an officer plant a gun under the back seat, and the 47-year-old lawyer went to jail. He has been behind bars ever since and is on trial in closed proceedings on the gun charge and on charges of divulging state secrets. A Moscow military court is to announce its verdict Wednesday.
Thirteen years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia continues to be a perilous place for whistle-blowers and anyone else who dares to probe too deeply into the affairs of government.
Jailed, jobless or dead
Delving into the 1999 apartment bombings has proved to be especially dangerous. Trepashkin is one of several Russians who have taken on the task and ended up jailed, jobless or dead.
The bombings were a grim chapter in post-Soviet history that claimed nearly 300 lives. Though separatist militants were tried and convicted in three of the bombings, the blasts remain one of Russia's deepest mysteries—one that the country never has fully resolved.
A small group of Moscow liberals and journalists for years has accused the Russian government of complicity in the bombings, saying Moscow hoped to gain public support for sending troops into Chechnya to put down separatists' attempts to create an independent Islamic state.
Based on what he said about his investigation, Trepashkin's digging raised tantalizing questions:
Why did Russian authorities pressure a businessman to change his testimony about who rented an apartment in one of the targeted buildings?
Was a Russian agent with links to Chechen warlords somehow connected to the attacks?
Before he could air those matters at the bombing trial, Trepashkin was jailed. His cell swarmed «with chinch bugs and lice,» he said in notes handwritten in prison and obtained by the Tribune. «There was no mattress, no stool or bunk. One could only stand or lie on a wooden floor soiled with excrement. At night I could feel bugs crawling in my clothes and on my body.»
Trepashkin's wife, Tatiana, does not blame her husband for pursuing the truth so aggressively. But she believes she and their two young daughters never will get him back if he doesn't give up his crusade.
«I don't want him to go on with this,» she said. «The bombings should be investigated, but not by a single person. And whoever carries out such an investigation must size up the risks for themselves and for their families.»
Bloody September days
The bombings occurred between Sept. 4 and Sept. 16, 1999. A blast at a military housing complex in the southern Russian city of Buinaksk that killed 64 people was followed by bombings of two Moscow apartment buildings, killing 212, and an explosion in Volgodonsk that killed 18.
From the start, Russian authorities blamed the attacks on separatists fighting to break away the small, mountainous republic of Chechnya. The bombings helped rally Russians around then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who vowed to crush the rebellion.
The fulcrum for the theory that the bombings were masterminded by the KGB's successor agency, the Federal Security Service, or FSB, is a bizarre episode that occurred Sept. 22, 1999, in Ryazan, 120 miles southeast of Moscow.
About 9:15 p.m., witnesses saw two men and a woman pull a small white car up to the basement entrance of an apartment building. They began hauling large sacks inside. One witness called police, who found in the basement three 110-pound sacks of what later were determined to be explosives, and a detonator set for 5:30 a.m.
Initial tests indicated the sacks contained an explosive material called hexogen, which was used in the previous bombings. Local police told reporters they averted a terrorist attack. But the following day, FSB officials told the Russian media that the episode was a civil defense drill. The agency said its testing showed the sacks contained sugar.
No conclusive evidence ever has been presented to confirm FSB involvement in the bombings, and the Russian government has angrily rejected such accusations. In March 2000, Putin called allegations that the FSB was somehow involved in the bombings «delirious nonsense. ... The very allegation is immoral.»
Yet virtually every attempt at investigating the bombings has been sidetracked or derailed, and the theory gained momentum that perhaps Russian secret services engineered the bombings to rally support for a war in Chechnya.
In April 2002, Soviet-era dissident Sergei Kovalyov, a member of Russia's lower chamber of parliament, teamed with three colleagues to form a citizens' commission to investigate the bombings. Two of the commissioners are now dead. One was gunned down outside his apartment building, which prosecutors attributed to a political rift; the other was pronounced dead from an allergic reaction, but his colleagues suspect he was poisoned.
Trepashkin has a double link to the bombing case. Five years after leaving the FSB, he agreed to perform investigative work for Kovalyov's commission. A year later, in 2003, he also agreed to represent and assist Tatiana and Alyona Morozova, whose mother died in one of the 1999 Moscow apartment building blasts, during the trial of the men accused in the bombings. Russian law permits victims and victims' families to raise evidence and question witnesses during criminal trials.
Heart of investigation
Through an aide, Nikolai Gorokhov, and through his handwritten notes delivered to the Tribune, Trepashkin said much of his research centered on computer-generated composite sketches Russian authorities released of a suspect who rented the basement at the Guryanova Street apartment building where the Morozovas' mother lived. Investigators believed explosives were hidden in that space.
Trepashkin remembers seeing the original composite of the suspect that was circulated immediately after the bombing. He believed it was a sketch of Vladimir Romanovich, a man he arrested during a 1995 sting in Moscow, only to learn that Romanovich worked for the FSB.
An FSB agent himself at that time, Trepashkin was staking out an extortion ring preying on Moscow banks and amassing money for separatist guerrillas fighting Russian troops in Chechnya.
When Trepashkin and fellow agents arrested the gang at Moscow's Soldi Bank, he learned that several members were Russian security officials, Trepashkin's aide said. He also found listening devices in the banks with FSB serial numbers, Gorokhov said, and a van parked nearby appeared to be the gang's eavesdropping base.
Romanovich was inside.
As Trepashkin put him under arrest, Romanovich declared he was an FSB agent, Gorokhov said. Trepashkin called to check and the agency confirmed the claim, then let Romanovich go.
According to Trepashkin, he asked the FSB for permission to search Romanovich's office and apartment. His bosses refused and ordered him to drop the investigation, Trepashkin said. The resulting rift led to his firing in 1997.
Romanovich was struck by a car and killed in Cyprus a few months after the 1999 bombings. During his investigations in the winter of 2002, Trepashkin tried to confirm that the apartment bombing suspect depicted in the first composite sketch was Romanovich. He questioned Mark Blumenfeld, who had rented the Guryanova Street apartment building's basement to a man the authorities believed was involved in planting the explosives there.
Blumenfeld pointed to the first sketch—the one Trepashkin recognized as Romanovich—and said that was the man who rented the space. He had no idea who the man in the second published sketch was.
He later changed his story, after being pressured by Russian authorities to name someone else as the bombing suspect.
«I have dealt with law enforcement many times,» Blumenfeld said in a recent interview. «I understand their methods, and I understood that I had better confirm what they were asking me to confirm.»
A week before the start of the Moscow bombings trial, Trepashkin gave Moscow journalist Korolkov an interview. He discussed the findings he planned to reveal before the Russian courts.
Accused of passing secrets
A few days later, Trepashkin found himself in Moscow's Matrosskaya Tishina prison, preparing for his own trial. Along with the handgun charge and a charge of possession of ammunition in his house, Trepashkin is accused of divulging state secrets to British intelligence to discredit the FSB.
«I think he was put away because if he were allowed to present this evidence, people would have started to think about the authorities' role,» said his client Tatiana Morozova, who now lives in the U.S.
Asked for an interview for this story, the FSB requested that questions be submitted in writing, then did not respond to those questions. A spokesman for the Russian prosecutor general's office declined to comment on the Trepashkin case.
The theory that Russian authorities were involved in the blasts continues to be whispered among Moscow liberals, but Blumenfeld, who readily admits he succumbed to pressure from investigators, cannot understand why Trepashkin naively believed he would be allowed to probe the truth behind the bombings.
«Doesn't he understand what country he lives in?» said Blumenfeld, tapping ashes into a dish filled with cigarette butts. «We lived in and continue to live in a totalitarian state. Yes, there have always been martyrs—people who seek the truth. Trepashkin is just one of them.»
PHOTO: Eighteen people died in the 1999 bombing of an apartment building in Volgodonsk, Russia. It was one of several deadly blasts that killed nearly 300 people in September that year. AP file photo.

Комментарии (1) , последний более 19 лет назад [Почитать] [Ответить]

Re (2): Возможно, это она

Автор: Павел , опубликовано: 20.05.2004 в 19:29

Да,Владимир,спасибо,я нашёл эту статью и на сайте Колокола и на сайте газеты.Есть добавление от 20 мая. В принципе,Блюменталь подтвердил,что фоторобот Гочияева был фальшивым,ФСБ его подменило.Опасаюсь я за этого Блюменталя...

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