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German Airline Lufthansa is Against Freedom o

Автор: ССылка, опубликовано: 12.02.2005 в 13:11

German Airline Lufthansa is Against Freedom of Speech or Against Veterans of the Great Patriotic War?
Permskie sosedi
Konstantin Duchonin
Perm. Administrative and legal pressing of the media group .Permskiy Obosrevatel. is going on and now the German airline Lufthansa
has joined it. The media group has received an official letter from the airline manager Maria Kravchenko, informing the editorial
staff about the cancellation of the Contract on distribution of the newspaper .Permskiy Obosrevatel. on Lufthansa flights.
We remind that the administrative pressure started at the end of the last year . there were two legal actions from Editorial House .Companion ., that is most obviously under control of the city administration, besides two accusation letters were sent to militia about the editor of the newspaper .Perm Neighbors. Konstantin Dukhonin. The letters were signed by the vice-mayors of the city of Perm Ilia Shulkin and Alexander Besfamilny.
Then the owner of the shop-chain Family, who pluralistically is a temporal acting
Governor of the Perm region, Oleg Chirkunov forbade to distribute the newspaper Permskiy Obosrevatel in the supermarkets of his shop-
The management group of the shop-chain Vivat also refused to distribute the newspaper. Now the German airline Lufthansa has also joined the boycott and this is what they wrote to the editorial staff: . Dear Sirs! Airline Lufthansa informs about the temporal
cancellation of our contractual relations on distribution of your newspaper on the Lufthansa flights. This decision was made by the
Area Manager of the airline Lufthansa in the Perm Region Fabian Bade due to the change of the newspaper format. We request to exclude
the name of Lufthansa from the distribution list of the newspaper. Best regards, Kravchenko Maria..
Discontent of the German company is probably caused by the fact that in dedication of the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War a new column is being issued in the newspaper, where the veterans tell the citizens of Perm about the most memorable facts of their battle biographies.
Or, and that is also not excluded, the Perm Authorities, being irritated by the systematic criticism, advised the management of the airline to stop distribution of the newspaper. In this case it is not clear why the German side is interfering into the internal affairs of Russia and the Perm region in particular.
Shortly the editorial staff will translate this article into the English and German languages and will send it to the leading foreign editorial companies.

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