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Russian Federation attack against Georgia

Автор: georgia, опубликовано: 09.08.2008 в 08:10

‘On August 8, the Russian Federation undertook a direct and full-scale
attack against Georgia, both inside Georgia’s territory of South Ossetia as well as outside the conflict zone.
Russian jets have violated Georgian airspace numerous times, bombing the cities of Kareli and Gori and dropping mines on the villages of Shavshvebi, Variani, and Tsedisi. Russian jets also engaged in massive bombing for 20 minutes of the area between the villages of Ksuisi and Khelchua. Russian jet fighters have been circling over the cities of Tskhinvali, Marneuli, and Gudauri for hours.
The majority of these inhabited areas lie outside South Ossetia.
The Russian Federation is pursuing clearly a deliberative strategy of aggression. By the actions it is undertaking today, the Russian Federation has grossly violated universally recognized norms and principles of international law. The Russian Federation is effectively challenging the international community, by threatening the established international order and the region’s stability.
The Government of Georgia has taken action within its own internationally recognized borders, in order to disarm illegal separatist rebel gangs in the region and reestablish security for the population in the conflict zone. In response, Russian leaders are issuing grave and threatening statements.
The Russian Federation’s open military aggression is the outcome of the aggressive policy against Georgia that Russia has pursued for several years. The consequences of this policy can be seen in the protracted conflicts on the territory of Georgia, the total ineffectiveness of the peacekeeping and negotiation formats, the illegal supply of arms and forces to the separatist criminal regimes, the transformation of Russian ‘peacekeepers’ into an occupation army, and illegal and mass issuing of Russian passports, among other acts that violate Georgian sovereignty.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia calls on the international community to immediately underscore to the Russian Federation that its invasion of Georgia violates international law and all 21st century norms. The Russian Federation has challenged the international community, which should respond to this challenge by creating the conditions for de-escalation, re-establishing peace in the region, and engaging in a results-oriented peace process.’- the statement reads.

Комментарии (1) , последний более 15 лет назад [Ответить]

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Автор: date44 , опубликовано: 09.08.2008 в 11:18

> ‘On August 8, the Russian Federation undertook a direct and full-scale
> attack against Georgia, both inside Georgia’s territory of South Ossetia as well as outside the conflict zone.
> Russian jets have violated Georgian airspace numerous times, bombing the cities of Kareli and Gori and dropping mines on the villages of Shavshvebi, Variani, and Tsedisi. Russian jets also engaged in massive bombing for 20 minutes of the area between the villages of Ksuisi and Khelchua. Russian jet fighters have been circling over the cities of Tskhinvali, Marneuli, and Gudauri for hours.
> The majority of these inhabited areas lie outside South Ossetia.
> The Russian Federation is pursuing clearly a deliberative strategy of aggression. By the actions it is undertaking today, the Russian Federation has grossly violated universally recognized norms and principles of international law. The Russian Federation is effectively challenging the international community, by threatening the established international order and the region’s stability.
> The Government of Georgia has taken action within its own internationally recognized borders, in order to disarm illegal separatist rebel gangs in the region and reestablish security for the population in the conflict zone. In response, Russian leaders are issuing grave and threatening statements.
> The Russian Federation’s open military aggression is the outcome of the aggressive policy against Georgia that Russia has pursued for several years. The consequences of this policy can be seen in the protracted conflicts on the territory of Georgia, the total ineffectiveness of the peacekeeping and negotiation formats, the illegal supply of arms and forces to the separatist criminal regimes, the transformation of Russian ‘peacekeepers’ into an occupation army, and illegal and mass issuing of Russian passports, among other acts that violate Georgian sovereignty.
> The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia calls on the international community to immediately underscore to the Russian Federation that its invasion of Georgia violates international law and all 21st century norms. The Russian Federation has challenged the international community, which should respond to this challenge by creating the conditions for de-escalation, re-establishing peace in the region, and engaging in a results-oriented peace process.’- the statement reads.

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